About Me

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Hi. My Name is Paulo. I love number 8. My dream is to score a movie and win an Oscar for that. =P I've created this blog as an outlet to share my ideas, insights, opinions, interests, experiences, learnings, and my life. Don't ask me how to be a good writer because I am not and I will never be. When you wake up one day, and all you want to do is write, then you can call yourself a writer. That's how simple life is. =)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Are We Prisoners of the Past?

I was inspired by one painting called Prisoner of the Past. it would make you ask a question that no one answered beyond the scope of standardized Ideas.

Are we, as humans truly Prisoners of the past?

The answer is Yes. Simply put. If humanity is to achieve its potential, it is through understanding this statement. Our ‘choices’ that we seem to make are mostly clouded by by our experiences, by our learned behavior and reaction to arbitrary systems. We are creatures of experience, of past. We create (we CHOOSE) the insanity that the world lives with through unconsciously choosing things while being heavily influenced by past experience. Our minds are the tool for the assignment, and it drives resultant action based on its close control by the ego sense alive in most of us. Mind over matter, or heart over mind ? Our choice is to allow our intelligence to shine from beyond the mind, from before the mind, from a place of universal understanding that is not colored by learned behaviors. From the innocence of the child will the kingdom of heaven be entered, from the condition of an unconditioned mind. From truth not learned, but granted or bestowed as the inherent truth of the human condition. From the truth of our birthright, the truth that burns up the conditioned past and leads to the presence that we can all share. I hope to get there, and hope to meet all others there in the collective universal consciousness. We are all love that shines unconditionally. Once we recognize that the past is irrelevant, as it never actually existed at all but rather was always just the present in disguise, we can get past the Prison to the truth.

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