About Me

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Hi. My Name is Paulo. I love number 8. My dream is to score a movie and win an Oscar for that. =P I've created this blog as an outlet to share my ideas, insights, opinions, interests, experiences, learnings, and my life. Don't ask me how to be a good writer because I am not and I will never be. When you wake up one day, and all you want to do is write, then you can call yourself a writer. That's how simple life is. =)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Love and Existence

Sacrifice. Pain. Sorrow. Happiness.  Optimism. Then sacrifice. then pain again.

Sometimes we ask ourselves, Why am I doing this? why I kept on doing this. these.

AM I being punished? But it feels good.

AM I in a state of Insanity? But it feels normal.

IS it worth it? I don't know. But I love it....

I love it...

I love it...


It all goes down to LOVE. The sweetest poison ever created by man's willingness to be involved and to be attached with certainty and security.

Unconditional Love I believe it just IS. It is something that is innate. It is in our true nature and is something that is realized with consciousness rather than developed. Love itself is unconditional, therefore isn't really love in its true sense otherwise.

Acts of selflessness and kindness are a result of unconditional love, but I suppose a good question to ask would be "to what extent do we take action, in the name of unconditional love, without losing ourselves?" Situations may vary of course, but at what point is it more an act of unconditional love to let go and allow someone else to experience what they need to in order for realization to occur, rather than willingly, out of that same unconditional love, sacrifice out of pure selflessness (without co-dependency or expectation), and vice versa?

 ... But what is LOVE without presence?

Presence. Existence.


What is the meaning of life?  Why are we here?  We have all pondered these questions at least once in our lives. Even on this blog.  Will we acquire all of the answers we are searching for after we die?  Probably not.  In our physical form, on this physical plane, we may constantly be searching for answers, which is in our nature, but maybe when we die, our spirit or soul has a completely different agenda and purpose and we won't need them.  Perhaps we go through stages and each one is necessary to move on to the next one.  During this physical stage, our purpose could be to simply share the experience of being human and everything that it encompasses.  Being human, we are able to fully experience the dichotomy or duality of life.  We cannot appreciate or even begin to understand joy and happiness without experiencing pain and suffering.

 To exist is to love is to exist is to love is to exist... these two correlate with each other. and nothing could break the chain called eternity. :)

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